Monday, February 4, 2013

I Don't Need a God to Command Me to LOVE...

It's not very often that you find a Jamaican reggae or dancehall artiste invested in challenging the status quo beyond the popular issues we all accept. Very few will talk about religious privilege, sexuality-based oppression, and patriarchy, among other things. 

I woke up this morning to this lovely post on Facebook by my dear friend Tanya Stephens. I love Tanya Stephens a whole lot -- not just for her wonderful music but her social consciousness. Here is what she said: 

Many people ask "Why do you belittle other people's beliefs? All some people have is religion, why would you want to kill their hope?". The answer is simple. No one's hope should be built on another's despair. 

If all believers did was believe they would be easy to coexist with, but their belief doesn't end there. They govern by their beliefs. They dictate laws. They encroach. They disenfranchise. They gather in hoards and inflict wounds in the name of their deity. Should someone be allowed to do all that unchallenged? NO. 

When I speak about separation of church and state, of ending mandatory worship, many people try to convince me of THEIR faith. I dont question your right to worship, I question your right to make me worship with you. Is that REALLY such a hard concept to grasp? You speak of two options yet deny me even the right to choose from the two! You speak of two options but limit me to choosing as you do. If all people are saying is "leave me alone" why does that get interpreted as a threat to YOUR belief? How can MY not believing hinder YOUR believing? Do you believe using MY mind? 

Today I beg you all, believe as you wish, but in believing search yourself to see how your belief may be a nuisance to others. If you stop me on the road to sell me your philosophy i'm going to respond by promoting mine. You shouldn't be offended, you initiated that exchange. If you post religious views on my wall or thread I will respond with stuff which may hurt your fragile little fairytale feelings. If I see you have religious stuff floating by my eye on your timeline dont feel offended when you see my lack of belief floating by on mine! 

Today we acknowledge that people who claim to be civilized shouldn't be so resistant to respecting the right of others around them to be DIFFERENT! I love you, and unlike you I dont need a god to command me to do it. Peace.

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